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Courses Scoring Lab materials

Practical labs

Lab sessions take place during their allotted times. A new topic is published in the beginning of every week and that's the topic for the lab that week.

There is no hard deadline for labs except a week before the exam, but do consider the fact that the workload for all is quite large and cannot be done in a few days, especially as you are going to be facing issues and problems.

Practical labs format

Practical sessions are built to be highly hands-on but independent - students are given guides with thorough explanations how to do the lab, which is then supervised by teachers in person during the physical classroom lessons, through Zoom during virtual lessons, or through Slack at other times.

Weekly topics

Here is a list of the weekly topics:

  1. Setting up and configuring personal learning environment
  2. Kubernetes Architecture
  3. Containerization technologies
  4. Workloads, Configuration and Secrets management
  5. Services, Ingress, LB, Networking.
  6. Storage (& database management in Kubernetes)
  7. Container lifecycle management, QoS
  8. Monitoring, logging, tracing
  9. Tasks, Workflows and scheduling
  10. Continuous Integration & Deployment, CI/CD in Kubernetes
  11. Designing Microservice applications
  12. Cluster administration
  13. Security
  14. Advanced Topic
  15. Summary of the course and exam consultation