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Lab 5 - Kubernetes Networking

Welcome to the lab 5. In this session, the following topics are covered:

  • Kubernetes networking basics;
  • Kubernetes Services;
  • Kubernetes Ingresses;
  • Kubernetes NetworkPolicies.

Kubernetes networking basics

Kubernetes manages several network-based communication models:

  1. Pod-to-Pod;
  2. Container-to-container;
  3. Pod-to-Service;
  4. External traffic to Service.

During this practice, you are going to discover first, third, and fourth models. The main entities we use during this journey are Service, NetworkPolicy and Ingress.

Use-case development

Before starting the main part of the lab, you will need to implement a history data server application and update the price fetcher script to send data directly to the history data sever over HTTP.

use case visualization

History data server


This app should be a HTTP API server with stores the price records in MinIO and exposes this data via JSON interface. The server should have the following endpoints:

  1. GET /api/prices/?day=<date> - find file for prices for the specified date (format should be day=2024-09-29) in MinIO and return them as a response in JSON format;
  2. POST /api/prices/?day=<date> - receive prices in JSON format for the specified date and save the data as a file in MinIO.


Implement the HTTP API server application. You can use any programming language or technologies you want. If you are unsure which approach to use, it is recommended to use either Python FastAPI or Flask frameworks.

An OpenAPI specification for the API has also been prepared, so feel free to generate the HTTP API implementation in any suported languages and implement the logic of the HTTP methods. You can find the API specification here: History data service OpenAPI specification

The main requirement is that you use the exact endpoints that have been specifed and that the price data message JSON format is the following:

    "estonian_time": "2024-10-01T00:00:00+03:00",
    "price": 5.01,
    "timestamp": 1727730000
    "estonian_time": "2024-10-01T01:00:00+03:00",
    "price": 3.21,
    "timestamp": 1727733600
    "estonian_time": "2024-10-02T00:00:00+03:00",
    "price": 78.57,
    "timestamp": 1727816400

For the MinIO integration, use the official MinIO libraries: Software Development Kits. For example, the Python Quickstart Guide provides reasonable examples to start with if you chose to use Python. MinIO library methods put_object, get_object, bucket_exists, and make_bucket should be enough to implement everything needed.

MinIO connection authentication variables (ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY, and MinIO URI should be read in from the enviorenment variables and not hard coded). Also, when storing the data in MinIO, you can use the value of the day variable (For example 2024-09-29) as part of the filename. Data should be stored in the price-data MinIo bucket. It would be best if the application also checks that the price-data bucket exists and creates it if it does not exist.

After the code is ready and tested, publish the Docker image to the Docker hub. Name of the Docker image in DockerHub should be history-server.


NB! If you get stuck with implementing the use case components, ask for help from the lecturers.



You need to update the price fetcher script so that instead of saving prices locally, it sends the data to the history data server in a JSON format using a HTTP POST method.


Configure the price fetcher script to read the address of the History data server from system enviorenment variable named HISTORY_SERVER_URI. We will later configure this value through the Kubernetes CronJob manifest when we create a Kubernetes Service for the history data server.

Inside the script, once the data has been collected from Elering API, prepare a JSON, and send a POST request (For example using the method in Python) at the History data server API endpoint address HISTORY_SERVER_URI/api/prices?day={tomorrow}, where the tomorrow variable format is 2024-09-29.

Prepare the data in the same JSON format as shown in the previous section and attach it as the request body to the HTTP POST request. Hint: It is ok to replace Elering CSV API request with a similiar JSON request to avoid CSV to JSON parsing steps.


Services are helpful when a single point of access for a Pod/set of Pods is needed. Let's create a simple Service for MinIO in the production namespace:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: minio
  type: ClusterIP #(1)
  selector: #(2)
    app: minio
  ports: #(3)
  - port: 9000
    targetPort: 9000
  1. spec.type ensures the app available within some scope. In case of ClusterIP, a Service exposes the app within the cluster only.
  2. spec.selector ensures the service forwards a traffic to Pods with the provided labels;
  3. spec.ports specifies the list of ports available for the end user (port field) and maps them to ports of a container (targetPort field).

History-data-server will access MinIO through internal network, hence it makes sense to expose MinIO cluster-wise only (type is ClusterIP).

You can view the pods targeted by this server:

kubectl get pod -l app=minio -n production
# minio-0   1/1     Running   0          5d23h


There are different options for Service type:

  1. ClusterIP - Kubernetes assigns an IP from a set available within a cluster only;
  2. NodePort - each node in Kubernetes cluster reserves specified ports and forwards traffic to the Service;
  3. LoadBalancer - Kubernetes relies on an external load balancer, ignored in the lab;
  4. ExternalName - a Service is mapped to a specified DNS name, ignored in the lab;

Cluster IP


Inspect an IP address of the echoserver Service (Test Kubernetes from lab3):

kubectl describe service/echoserver -n default
# Name:              echoserver
# Namespace:         default
# ...
# IP:      
# IPs:     
# Port:              <unset>  80/TCP
# ...

The IP above is cluster-scoped IP meaning it is available only within the cluster.


You can check if this endpoint actually works via curl tool:

# replace the IP address with one of your service
# {"host":{"hostname":"...

The output above shows, the endpoint is accessible.

ClusterIP is practical when an app should be available internally, but there is also a possibility to allow traffic from outside the cluster. For this, Ingress resource is required and reviewed in the second part of the lab.


In the production namespace:

  1. create a history-server Deployment for the history server app using the image you have built previously;
  2. create a ClusterIP-type Service (name - history-server, listening port - 80) for the Deployment and validate if it works using curl;
  3. build the adjusted price-fetcher app, which sends price data to the history-server endpoint, and update the existing CronJob.


  1. Please, use the following labels for the history-server Deployment: app=electricity-calculator, microservice=history-server. Make sure to add them both to the metadata of the Deployment and to the metadata of the pod template;
  2. The history-server Deployment should use the MinIO credentials from the minio-secret to set up necessary system enviorenment variables, similarily how they were defined for the MinIO StatefulSet int he previous lab.
  3. Update the price-fetcher CronJob specification and add a system enviorenment variable (env:) named HISTORY_SERVER_URI, which defines how to connect to the history server. Its value should be the Service address of the history server: http://history-server.production.svc.cluster.local:80

Hint: To reference the MinIO service use either minio:9000 or http://minio:9000, depending on whether the minio library (that you used) requires specifying protocol before the hostname or not. You can find the explanation in the service discovery section.


You can check only a status code of a response:

curl -I <Service IP>:80
# HTTP/1.1 200 OK
# ...


The second major type of service is NodePort, which binds selected ports of each cluster node to ports of a Pod. A range of the node ports is between 30000 and 32767.


Let's create a NodePort service for the echoserver in the default namespace:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: echoserver-service-nodeport
  namespace: default
  type: NodePort
    app: echoserver
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    nodePort: 30001

It works as a previous service selecting Pods by app: echoserver label, but uses a different hostname (echoserver-service-nodeport) for discovery.

After inspecting it, you can see the network-specific data:

kubectl describe service/echoserver-service-nodeport
# ...
# IPs:            
# Port:                     <unset>  80/TCP
# TargetPort:               80/TCP
# NodePort:                 <unset>  30001/TCP
# ...


The server should be accessible via node address now:

# {"host":{"hostname":""...


For convenience, you can create a security group in ETAIS for you tenant with 30000-32767 port range and assign the group to your VM. After this, you are able to access the service from your browser (port 30001). Example:

NodePort browser test

Headless Services

Headless Service is one without assigned cluster IP. These services expose each Pod IP separately. Due to this feature, they are useful for stateful applications (StatefulSet): an end-user can access specific Pods for writing and others - for reading. An example is PostgreSQL leader-follower replication: all the writes should go to the leader while reads can be handled by the follower.

A headless service doesn't provide load balancing capabilities and a user can access a specific Pod with this hostname format: <pod-name>.<service-name>.


Let's create a PostgreSQL StatefulSet with this config:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
  name: postgresql-hl-test
  namespace: test
      app: postgresql-hl-test
  serviceName: postgresql-hl #(1)
  replicas: 2 #(2)
        app: postgresql-hl-test
      - name: postgresql
        image: bitnami/postgresql:15.4.0
        env: #(3)
          - name: POSTGRESQL_USERNAME
            value: "test"
          - name: POSTGRESQL_DATABASE
            value: "test"
          - name: POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD
            value: "postgres-password"
        - containerPort: 5432
          name: postgres-port
        - name: postgresql-data
          mountPath: /bitnami/postgresql
      volumes: #(4)
        - name: postgresql-data
          emptyDir: {}
  1. A name of the headless service created later
  2. Number of PostgreSQL replicas
  3. Environment variables for PostgreSQL database setup
  4. PostgreSQL doesn't use any persistent storage for now

Also, let's create a headless service with the aforementioned name.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: postgresql-hl
  namespace: test
  clusterIP: None
    app: postgresql-hl-test
  - port: 5432
    targetPort: 5432

The description of the service shows 2 endpoints for the postgresql Pods, meaning, you can access each one separately.

IP:                None
IPs:               None
Port:              <unset>  5432/TCP
TargetPort:        5432/TCP

For testing, let's use one of 2 pods to connect to another:

kubectl exec -it postgresql-hl-test-0 -n test -- /bin/bash
# ...
export PGPASSWORD='postgres-password'
psql -h postgresql-hl-test-0.postgresql-hl -U test
# psql (15.4)
# Type "help" for help.

# test=>

After testing, you should see successful connection to the database.


Ingress is a resource that controls external access to the services in a Kubernetes cluster.

In order to process traffic, a cluster needs an ingress controller to be set up. The primary focus of this lab is NGINX controller, while Kubernetes supports many of them.

Essentially, this controller is a Deployment with a NodePort service exposing 80 and 443 ports.


First of all, let's install the controller:

kubectl apply -f

All the required resources (Deployment, Service, etc.) should be available in the ingress-nginx namespace.


When you list Pods in the new ingress-nginx namespace you should see 2 completed jobs and a running Pod:

kubectl get pods -n ingress-nginx
# NAME                                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
# ingress-nginx-admission-create-pn564        0/1     Completed   0          2m
# ingress-nginx-admission-patch-hvz7h         0/1     Completed   0          2m
# ingress-nginx-controller-79bc9f5df8-rzdqr   1/1     Running     0          2m

Also, 2 services should exist. We are interested in ingress-nginx-controller:

kubectl get service -n ingress-nginx
# NAME                                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
# ingress-nginx-controller             NodePort   <none>        80:32375/TCP,443:30650/TCP   135m
# ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP                      135m

Before we continue, you should check the port from the service (32375 in the example):

NODEPORT=$(kubectl get -n ingress-nginx service/ingress-nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}')
# 32375

This is a node port where the nginx controller listens for the incoming traffic. We are going to use it for ingress validation later.


Let's create an Ingress for echoserver:

kind: Ingress
  name: echoserver-ingress
    name: echoserver-ingress
  ingressClassName: "nginx"
  rules: #(5)
  - host: #(1)
      - pathType: Prefix
        path: "/" #(2)
            name: echoserver #(3)
              number: 80 #(4)
  1. Hostname for the service. Please, replace the PUBLIC_NODE_IP with actual IP of your control-plane node.
  2. Ingress allows different paths for services, in this lab we use only root
  3. Service name to lookup
  4. Service port to target
  5. forwards traffic to the publicly available IP on third domain level (PUBLIC_NODE_IP in the example)


After some time after creation, you are able to test the Ingress via browser. Go to, where PUBLIC_NODE_IP - external node IP you use for ingress hostname, NODEPORT - value we discovered previously. You should see the response similar to one we discovered in the NodePort section.

Ingress visualization

Service Discovery and Network Policies

Service Discovery in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, service discovery works in 2 ways:

  1. Referring a service by a short name ( It works only for the services within the same namespace, for example: echoserver
  2. Referring a service by a fully qualified name. It works for cross-namespace discovery and requires <service-name>.<namespace>.svc.<cluster>:<service-port> format. Example: echoserver.default.svc.cluster.local:80


Let's create a new namespace called k8s-lab5:

kubectl create namespace k8s-lab5

and deploy an additional echoserver Pod and Service with the same config as before (Service should have ClusterIP type).

kubectl apply -f echoserver-pod.yaml -n k8s-lab5
kubectl apply -f echoserver-service.yaml -n k8s-lab5


When the Pod is up, connect to the echoserver in the default namespace

kubectl exec -it echoserver -- sh

and send request to the Pod in k8s-lab5:

wget -q -O- http://echoserver.k8s-lab5.svc.cluster.local:80/

In the browser, you can open Hubble UI, select default namespace and view traffic coming from one echoserver Pod to another. If you set up Hubble in the 3rd lab, you can find the UI in http://<CONTROL_PLANE_EXTERNAL_IP>:31000/. The external IP located in ETAIS portal (Project -> Resources -> VM -> External IP)

Echoserver Hubble UI

NetworkPolicy Resource

Kubernetes uses NetworkPolicy to isolate Pods from unnecessary network connections. Essentially, a policy allows setting up traffic between selected Pods and:

  • Pods from same namespace filtered by labels;
  • All Pods from a different namespace containing selected labels;
  • All IP addresses in the provided IP CIDR subnet.

Also, policies can work for both incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic.


An example policy allowing access to echoserver in default namespace is:

kind: NetworkPolicy
  name: echoserver-network-policy
      app: echoserver
    - Ingress
    - from:
      - namespaceSelector:
          matchLabels: #(1)
      - podSelector:
          matchLabels: #(2)
            name: nginx
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 80
  1. All the Pods from k8s-lab5 namespace can access the Pod
  2. All the Pods from the same namespace and labels name=nginx can access the Pod

Create a network policy via the manifest above in the default namespace.

NB: This policy could break the lab3-05 check in the scoring site. If this happens, please follow cleanup instructions after completion of the main content of this lab.


Try to access http://echoserver.default.svc.cluster.local:80/ endpoint from echoserver Pod in k8s-lab5:

kubectl exec -it -n k8s-lab5 echoserver -- sh

wget -q -O- http://echoserver.default.svc.cluster.local:80/

The result should be successful.

Create an NGINX Deployment in the default namespace similar to one from the previous lab. Ensure the labels are correct:

kubectl get pods -l name=nginx -n default
#NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
#nginx-64b87bb78-gdrnl   1/1     Running   0          5d

Now, let's see what happens, when a user sends a request to the endpoint from an nginx Pod:

kubectl exec -it deployment/nginx -n default -- bash

curl -v http://echoserver:80/

The response should be correct too. Try to access the pod from the host node:

POD_IP=$(kubectl get pod echoserver -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}')
SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get service echoserver -o jsonpath={.spec.clusterIP})

curl http://${POD_IP}
# {"host":{"hostname":...
curl http://${SERVICE_IP}
# {"host":{"hostname":...

NetworkPolicy doesn't block this connection, because the network policies affect traffic within the k8s cluster and between pods and the outside world.

The final check is to try accessing the pod from the NGINX pod in the test namespace.

kubectl exec -it deployment/nginx -n test -- bash

curl -v http://echoserver.default.svc.cluster.local:80/ --connect-timeout 5
# curl: (28) Failed to connect to echoserver.default.svc.cluster.local port 80 after 5001 ms: Timeout was reached

The NetworkPolicy blocks this connection, because it is not listed in the rules.

You can also view the graph with dropped connections in the hubble UI. The result should look like this:

Hubble UI connection dropped


You need to create network policy for MinIO Pods. For this policy, isolate the MinIO Pods from all connections except ones from history-server Pod within the same production namespace.

NB: please use minio-network-policy name.


You can safely remove the following resources as they are for testing purposes only and don't affect the lab scoring:

  1. Service echoserver-service-nodeport in the default namespace;
  2. StatefulSet postgresql-hl-test and service postgresql-hl in the test namespace;
  3. NetworkPolicy echoserver-network-policy in the default namespace;
  4. Deployment nginx in the default namespace
  5. Namespace k8s-lab5.